Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Reason And Morality Are The Only Weapons That Determine The Course Of History..."-Ayn Rand

The truth of this statement is incontestable, these two forces are the driving power behind human conciousness and action. So I make this blog in an attempt to do my best to do as the rest of that quote says "...The Collectivists dropped them because they had no right to carry them. Pick them up; you have." Evil can only win when good men do nothing, though I would question whether men who do nothing could be considered good I have decided I will not stand and do nothing, but instead will commentate on absurdities and senselessness I see brandished around as if it had reason, morality or reality to back it up. Garbage ideas such as Racism, Socialism, Communism, Anarcism and any other collectivist (read irrational) world view that sponsers the destruction of huamnity.

Phoroneus is a greek legend of "The first man..." he is also the man who created fire, it is a common error to associate just Prometheus (a god who gave man fire) with having been responsible for one of the first steps in developing the advancement of human life. The end of that reference has been argued, there were other men to exist in legend around the same time so they take it to refer to "The first man who ruled." Think of it as you may, I will take this to mean he was the first to establish order. So I will try to establish order in the realm of ideas by putting the sword to ridiculous ideas.


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