It Wasn't Bad
Good news, United 93 wasn't an altruist fest. Hollywood usually has a fun time sympathizing with terrorists and blowing off their atrocities or as is the case with our friend Micheal Moore outright miss-characterizing our president as some kind of oil hungry fool. See 93 if you want the anger that filled you when you saw the towers hit to fill you again, any doubts that might have delevoped in the minds of those who were willing to "turn the other cheek" will instantly fall away (as all irrational phrases to live by should, why don't you turn the other cheek when your child is dieing?) hopefully minds will show why we need to turn Iran and other terrorist supporting states into glass deserts where any opium that's grown their glows in the dark.
On a lighter note my buddy Dan Rigby from over at University Suckers will be staying home over the summer and helping me with some html on my blog so you guys don't have to go bored watching the same default templates you see everywhere.
Something You Shouldn't Take Seriously: Liberals who somehow think "the rich should bow to the poor". Before I continue I should probably mention that I act as a hobby on the side. In the future you will see many things you shouldn't take seriously pop up here that comes directly from that since it is a breeding ground for self serving liberal buzzwords and uncritically analyized package deals (i.e. characterizing Adam Smith's invisible hand as voters declining future oil refineries the ability to use land which is an example of government coercion not market forces or saying "we" (read free-market advocates) contradict ourselves when we say the government has the right to chase down criminals and prosecute fraud, which is the government protecting the free market not interfereing with it.) When I heard the man I do plays with utter it I said to myself he must be joking but alas they never do, it also reminded me of what Binswager said in an article on capmag here-> and I will quote, "But for the infantile worldview of the left, oil companies are just storing up their higher revenues in giant money bins, like the money bin of Scrooge McDuck in the old comic books. Scrooge kept his billions in cash in a giant bin with a diving board installed on its open top. Then he'd dive off it, into his cash. That's what the left thinks being rich is." It is readily apparent in what I quoted apparently they take it that the rich don't do any work at all and go fish out dollars out of their swimming pool to go give to people to do things for them I can't imagine what would happen if I were to mention something so obvious as capital investment in business enterprise to them, or how they were locked up in bank savings accounts or any other possible way money can be invested, in their childrens college tuition or as a donation to charity or as an exorbitant tax used to pay for a failing welfare and health care system. How did it go when the robbers tried to rob the Richy Rich family "WHERE'S ALL THE MONEY?!" "In banks." I can't take it seriously, and neither should you. But don't take my word for it. Use the power of reason.
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