Monday, September 11, 2006


Today is a somber day for everyone in the United States. I would like to remember those who have past due to the evil of others by way of a trip to the future.

"September 18th 2007

It has been a week since 2 nuclear weapons were detonated in the most heavily populated areas in New York city killing 9 million people in the initial blast and killing several million more in the following days, those still alive will die an agnoizing death within the next week due to radiation exposure. The world has changed.

An emergency congressional and senate meeting was held 2 hours after the blast at 1 p.m. in the afternoon. There President Bush made a speech calling for the destruction of all states sponsoring terrorism, where a bill declaring war on Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palastine, Lebanon, Syria and Pakistan where the bill was passed unanimously. That evening operation "Final Straw" went underway.

By the morning of September 12th Syria and Lebanon had surrendered after being hit by 3 hydrogen bombs. Palastine was invaded and the Hamas government subsiquently beheaded by an Isreali, the territory has now been annexed by Isreal. By mid afternoon the Saudi government had drafted a document offering it's conditional surrender, the United States responded by nuking its secondary military bases. The Saudi government then surrendered unconditionally as United States oil companies now moved to cease the nationalized Saudi feilds.

The President of Iran was found by several soliders hiding in a bunker 50 miles away from the cratered remains of Tehran. He was blinded his surrendered service men said, because he looked back as the bomb was detonated above the city.

By the morning of September 13th the entire arab world was brought to its knees by an angry super-power aided by Isreal and Britain. The Left of the Blogosphere was made silent by this, no one had made one Bush joke, none had argued whether Islamic-Fascists were responsible. Al-Jazeera had choosen not to film all the people dancing in the streets, fearing our response. Those who whispered of jihad in the United States were found and executed as traitors, it was now easy since police and MPs had occupied all Mosques considered to be involved in terrorist activities. CAIR had not made a public statement hoping to be spared the wrath of a righteous people when their funds had been found in the pockets of terror groups. CAIRs leaders were then executed as traitors.

By the morning of September 14th the price of gas had gone down to 2.00 dollars a gallon. Our forces began investigating the weaponry and funding of the terror funding regimes and found several names began popping up, "France, Russia, China, United Nations." That day the United States immediatly withdrew from the U.N. in every way shape and form. We refused to export goods to any countries found involved in anyway with the funding of those evil nations. As a result the house and senate had been made to begin repealing restrictions on businesses in the United States, without other nations to trade with our economy had to be stronger than ever.

By the morning of September 15th the world had endured a change not witnessed since it's creation. China, Russia and France had not responded positively. The United States did not care. The coalition for a peaceful world had toppled Pakistan.

By the morning of September 16th confidence and nationalism began to soar in the United States, our once fragmented rational men had begun working to unite into a new party, the Constitutional Republicans identifying with the United States identity of individual rights they began to be crowded by those who wanted a better America. The MSM had not needed to report on terror attacks-there were no longer any anywhere in the middle east, those who had once thought America and the western way of living were weak were reduced to dust, or destroyed with bullets.

By the morning of September 17th the loss of New York City has hit us fully. Most of those exposed radiation had died, the death toll has not been fully counted. Calls for missing individuals come in daily. Nearly every American had lost someone or knew someone who lost someone. It was agreed that New York would be cleaned of radiation within the next 50 years. Already people were talking of a new memorial companies began drawing joint plans on what could be done, an idea came up that took fire with those present. After the radiation would be removed a tower would be built, one that would rival any of those built in the past and many more in the future reaching up to a height that would give it the name Babel.

It is the evening of September 18th and not one bomb has been dropped in the middle east or in America since our invasion. We no longer have to fear paying terrorists at the pump for the right to bomb us. We no longer have to worry about dictators trying to scam us with their pleas for help. We no longer have to worry about the U.N., We no longer have to worry about alot of things. All it took was a direct response to an honest evil. As well as its subsiquent distruction.

The only regret I have is that we could have done it sooner, that our freedom and the lives of countless men, women and children in New York could have been saved from destruction. I regret that some men choose to think "Loose Change" is the legacy of the American government. I regret that men make dishonest films to discredit the United States and destroy our sense of freedom and individual rights. I regret that peaceniks and those on the far left were to blind to see what was so obvious. The guilt for the atrocity that took place here should be on their heads and the MSM for their bias support of the terrorists who continually assaulted the western world don't tell me you had no clue this was the final result of all your denying, of all your politically correct names for men who kill innocent men, for everytime the terrorists filmed a staged scene and you gobbled it up and shoved it down the throats of the American public. The evil that happened in New York is the result of your foundation of neutrality, that is neutrality to the truth and favoring every possible alternate theory of all your "unbiased" reporting of looney consipracies. This is the legacy you hand down to your fellow American.

Finally I would like to thank those who knew all along and who fought to make it known at every possible moment that we were dealing with an very stoppable evil. Who called for their destruction before we lost 2,996 men, women, fathers, mothers, brothers and everykind of person black, white, middle-eastern, asian who lived and working in a free America. To those who saw through the bull-shit being fed to them day to day from the MSM, Micheal Moore and every other nut who thought the greatest terror on earth was our own president. To those who fought the good fight trying to disseminate information, to save the lives of every person living in our great country and to enlighten those who were swayed by the big lie mongers and those who gained from the destruction of our people. To those of you who did your best, or who just knew and voiced when you heard something wrong or just stated you disagreed. Thank you for doing your best, but it was not enough."


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