Saturday, November 03, 2007

Important Message.

I am unsure of how often I will be posting, but I could not allow my indecent post remain or destroy it unexplained.

The reality is I made a tremendous error in criticizing Dr. Peikoff and not showing him the respect he deserves, especially considering the fact that he is the greatest philosopher alive, and to a large extent helped me become who I am, that is a decently intelligent person who is able to see very far with his abstractions and has used Objectivism to greatly improve his life.

The value that Dr. Peikoff has given me is nearly the greatest any human can ask for, that is the ability to align myself to my nature appropriately and analyze invalid ideas and dismiss them as anti-life.

The last post on this site was disrespectful in manner that there is no word for a rational man to truly describe the behavior with. For all who read it and understood that I apologize for the post, and will completely comply with Dr. Peikoff's recommendation as well as enjoy the privilege of remaining Objectivist :).

I came to this conclusion when I realized that Dr. Peikoff isn't saying the things he says because they are fun, or because he wants to exclude people, or for any other reason in this universe other than his judgment that they are true and he knows it. And that I was being nothing more than some angry kid unhappy that he has to take his medicine when the doctor tells him too. As I toured the Oblogosphere and read other students of Objecitivism and other Objectivists posting about it, I noticed the tone of disrespect toward Dr. Peikoff's statement similar to my own and found myself saying to myself "Is this necessary? Isn't this the man who wrote OPAR and greatly improved all of our abilities to live our own lives?". I read the works of Diana Hsieh, The Night Watchman and their recommended sources and came to the conclusion that they and Dr. Peikoff was right and to my great horror I realized that what I had said cannot be taken back or erased but must be atoned for. I was wrong and I had let my mouth and emotions get the best of me all because I wanted to be an Objectivist without putting in the work it requires, which means, without doing the thinking that's required.

For that I offer my sincerest apologies to Dr. Peikoff and any of his supporters who saw my statement, since it necessarily showed what I thought of them as well.


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